Influencer Marketing

Influencer Marketing

“People do not buy goods and services. They buy relations, stories, and magic.”
-Seth Godin

What is influencer marketing?

Influencer marketing focuses on the use of key leaders to convey the message of the brand to a large audience. Instead of influencing a large group of consumers, you pay to the influencers who are popular in the digital world. Influencer marketing is more impactful with social media marketing and content marketing.

Importance of influencer marketing in Digital Marketing

Consumers are looking for some renowned face instead of some unknown sales executive when it comes to trusting a brand or product. The influencer could bring the following benefits to your sales namely

  • • Attracting new customers
  • • Reordering of products
  • • Establishing customers loyalty
  • • Maximization of customers experience

How does it work

In the present time, the center stage is occupied by consumers instead of brands. Authentic content creates trust. People will put more trust in known faces than unknown marketing teams. The most commonplace for influencer marketing is as follows –

  • • Blogs
  • • Social media

how SMAC help you with Influencer marketing

We help you to connect with the right influencer marketing so that your brand could be marketed properly. SMAC digital cater the influencer marketing services by targeting key industries to drive brand awareness for specific market consumers.

When it comes to influencer marketing there are multiple levels to be considered. We can help you with following basic points namely –

  • • Creation of articles, blog post and videos for the products and services.
  • • Sharing information about your business on different social media accounts.
  • • Publicizing the article written.
  • • Promoting and giving access to the site so that one can write a guest post.
  • • Posting of pictures on Instagram, YouTube and other social media channel which will showcase your products.
  • • Writing as well as filming the promotional type items for the brands.

We boost your business with an influencer marketing campaign

  • Organic method to find an influencer for your business : Searching an influencer marketer is based on your goal and objectives. We will help you to search for an influencer marketer which will best suit your goals. To make it simple sometimes the products need to have a bigger local market as compared to the international market.

How SMAC’s Influencer marketing Campaign is different ?

SMAC digital work alongside clients business to understand the goal of the campaign and brand value it wants to achieve. SMAC Digital creates and executes the most effective campaign for the brand by partnering with the most suitable influencer. We know that every brand has a unique requirement. We work on those requirements in collaboration with the influencer marketers to deliver the best results to the client in terms of boost in business.

As a digital marketing agency, we know very well that the good relation with our client is based on trust, goodwill, and results. We put the needs of our clients at priority and ensure that the campaign should be a sure shot success.

As a digital marketing agency, we make sure that we take all full-fledged responsibility of finding and vetting the influencers. We take the full-fledge responsibility to find the right influence marketer for you with the assurance of your reach to desired audiences with the proper and timely publication of schedules and guidelines with negotiating rates and contracts. We know the important task we carry as a digital marketing agency to boost the client business and thereof plan the strategy to deliver the best possible result.

How do we make the difference ?

When it comes to campaign it is full of nuance and variables which require expert skis for management. As a digital marketing agency, we create the requisite value for the brand by drilling down all meaningful details with fine-tuning of same so that campaign dynamics could be maintained. We aim at maintaining the high-performance result for the brands without creating any hassle for the clients.

What do we do for your business?

When it comes to influencer marketing we help our client with the following functions performed –

  • 1. A search of a most suitable influencer : One of the core functions we perform sincerely is to search the right influencer for your business. Sometimes some products required local influencers instead of national or international level one. We search the influencer who can boost the business most dynamically. And also they should have a positive impact in terms of creating quality content that should meet the brand standards.
  • 2. Structuring of campaign : As the best digital marketing agency, we know very well the importance of strategy. Therefore we structure a campaign in such a manner so that maximum profit could be achieved from the campaign. We select the target audience and create the influencer marketing campaign in such a manner so that it impacts the targeted audience properly. We aid the brands by determining their ideal audience and selecting the social media channel which conveys the message in the most impactful manner.
  • 3. Campaign Briefing : Briefing helps the influencer to understand the requirement and become the part of the collaborative process which includes providing creative guidelines and outlining the key messages so that the goal of the campaign could be properly carried. Being a professional digital marketing Agency these will help to draw up collaborative effort in the most efficient manner. We also establish the payment schedule, making sure that the impact of the influencer has been used effectively so that returns should be maximized.
  • 4. Optimization, documentation & review : The best digital marketing agency works most professionally. We handle all the details most impeccably.
  • 5. Feedback : We believe that regular feedback keeps the work flowing and improve quality indeed.

The purchasing decision is till ore of influenced based rather than research-based. Haven't you given try to a product just because a particular celebrity has said so? In the digital medium also we cannot deny the influence of an influencer marketer on the sale of the product. SMAC digital knows the importance of Influence marketing and its impact on the client's business. We create a business plan in a manner to incorporate better results with influencer marketing. In the present time, all the world's top brands are using influencer marketing to promote their business. And SMAC digital knows the importance of influencer marketing and plan the campaign accordingly.

We work with you to improve your business's bottom line and generate
positive ROI so that you can scale it up.